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Post High School Transition Program

A future of promise.

Riverview School’s Post High School Transition Program for young adults, ages 17–21, is called GROW—Getting Ready for the Outside World.

课程包括实际学术科目的直接指导,但也为完成高中学业的学生提供 social, vocational, and independent living skills they need to function as independently as possible. Additionally, Riverview的过渡规划服务是首屈一指的,帮助学生为毕业后的生活做好准备.

Structured much like a college campus, GROW students live in dorms, 参加课程和广泛的实习项目. They learn how to self-advocate, 做出成熟的选择,对自己生活的方方面面负责, including selecting and planning their own social activities.

Additionally, 学生在各种工作环境中获得第一手经验, 帮助他们养成良好的工作习惯,提高对个人优势和兴趣的认识. 有4个旗舰项目使Riverview的GROW过渡项目成为具有复杂特殊需求学生的高等教育的黄金标准: Café Riverview, Second-View Thrift Store, Project SEARCH以及我们在学生上主流大学课程时提供支持的能力 Cape Cod Community College.


GROW Academically

GROW课程包括学术上的直接指导,课程包括:沟通和读写, Personal Finances, Consumer Math Concepts and Travel Training.

GROW课程的学生专注于有效的倾听和沟通等主题, technology, relationships, self-advocacy, personal safety and self-awareness. Classes cover time, task and money management. 解决问题和预算的练习反映了现实世界的货币挑战. 课程作业通过最新的技术和教学创新来支持.

Mainstream College Courses at Cape Cod Community College

满足学院资格要求的Riverview GROW学生可以选择入门级课程. 学生必须在学院参加Accuplacer测试,并提交最近的心理教育评估报告. 这些文件由CCCC学习障碍顾问审查并确定资格.

主流课程为我们的学生提供了一个强大的经验. 他们为成为主流大学生活的一部分而感到自豪. While the expectations of each course are different, 所有这些都是时间密集的,需要相当程度的坚持和毅力. Riverview的学生在校园里可以获得额外的辅导支持,并且在项目中取得了良好的成功记录. 学生和他们的家人都表示,参加主流项目在许多不同层面上都是一次非凡的经历.

Vocational Partnerships in our Community

我们的GROW学生有一个难得的机会在开普和周边地区的各种企业中练习职业准备技能. 学生能够获得工作准备技能和经验,在感兴趣的领域,如食品服务, retail, child/pet care, hospitality, health & wellness, healthcare and more! Click HERE to see a list of our community partners.

Social skills

GROW Socially

每个学生都被分配了一名顾问,作为家庭和学校之间的联络人,并提供自我宣传的支持, self-awareness, problem solving and social skills.

Students learn that while their disability impacts them, 这并不妨碍他们过上充实而有意义的生活.

Independent living

GROW Independently

Instruction in independent living is highly individualized. Students learn and practice skills related to cooking, comparative shopping, personal hygiene, health, nutrition and fitness, stress management, home maintenance, 交通和独立娱乐活动的规划. 而惯例和结构确保这些重要的技能被学习, GROW的学生在设计和规划他们的生活方面发挥着非常积极的作用. GROW提供了一个包容的环境,让学生利用社区最大限度地提高他们的独立生活能力. 大多数毕业生可以期望与朋友或家人住在他们选择的地方, and in a community where they can work and socialize.

Transition Services

Transition Planning

At Riverview School we help to foster self-determination. 为学生提供探索兴趣所需的工具和支持, build skills, and establish personal goals for greater independence.

Riverview的过渡规划是一个顺序的过程,最早从中学开始, 并在学生从GROW过渡项目毕业时得到完善.

Riverview为学生及其家庭提供高度个性化的过渡规划服务, including:

  • Riverview School College & Career Center

  • Assessment of strengths and interests; and personal portfolio development

  • Vocational training through integrated internships

  • Continuing education opportunities

  • Goal planning

  • Coordination with adult services

  • Transition seminar classes

  • Individual and group meetings

  • 与州、地方和私人机构和项目合作

  • Riverview connections是一个互动的在线平台,供学生和校友交流有关活动和机会的信息, including transition-related presentations.

Riverview School Unveils...

Transition Webinar Series: Pathways to Independence

这个系列是我们传统的过渡周末的蜕变. Instead of 1-jam-packed day of content, 这是更加密集的规划,给正在进行的过渡规划过程更多的时间, attention and individualization.

网络研讨会将聚焦演讲嘉宾,他们将分享他们在包括住房在内的各种重要转型主题方面的专业知识, SSI and independent living. 网络研讨会系列将为我们的Riverview社区提供丰富而有力的信息,这些信息将涵盖转型的关键方面,并为您提供信息和资源,让您开始“下一条道路”.”

Want to make sure that you don’t miss anything? Sign up for our Pathways to Independence email list. CLICK HERE and we’ll send you information about upcoming webinars.

School Calendar